"My Lord, I hardly require a payment for doing exactly what is expected of a Phantomhive butler." It was no secret that Sebastian gained no pleasure from consuming human food. He desperately wonders why Sebastian's "playtime" is taking so long. Blavat offers to read his fortune, and assures him that Sebastian will not be harmed. [324] Furthermore, he will definitely become Clayton's fag. Sieglinde vows to always keep SuLIN a secret. ", He considers using various underworld networks that span from Europe to Asia, including a particular person who was also associated with his father. He also states that, taking into account the fact that Bizarre Dolls require copious amounts of blood in order to function, "Ciel" must require the same, but, with Sphere Music Hall forcibly shut down, "Ciel" must have arranged for alternative sources to obtain blood. After rendering Soma unconscious, Sebastian comments that Soma is understandably confused. Soma and Agni are thus disqualified; nonetheless, they do not hesitate to spring upon Ciel, crying in relief that he is not ill. Ciel is hesitant when "Ciel" asks him why he made such an outrageous lie and states that he will not be angry with him. [271] Elizabeth cries that she did not want Ciel to see her like this. [18][19], Ciel sports two rings. Ciel's favorite animals are horses and dogs. He instructs Snake to "clean up"; they'll be following their suspect. He then commanded him to kill his attackers; Sebastian then burnt down the building. Vincent Phantomhive (father)Rachel Phantomhive (mother)"Ciel Phantomhive" (twin brother)Francis Midford (aunt)Alexis Leon Midford (uncle, legal guardian)[5]Edward Midford (cousin)Elizabeth Midford (cousin, fiance)Angelina Dalles (aunt)Burnett (uncle)Unborn cousin Cloudia Phantomhive (grandmother)[6]Cedric K. Ros- (grandfather)[7] [575], Lau reads the newspapers, which paint Ciel as the perpetrator of the Sphere Music Hall crimes and an impostor who stole "Ciel"'s inheritance and which feature the picture Pitt took of them and sold thereafter. "No. He stabs a child, and Ciel is horrified by the traumatizing sight as it reminds him of the cult three years ago. He decides to make a move according to his methods, since he wants to return to his manor as soon as possible. Kuroshitsuji: Phantom & Ghost The other attendees announce that it is time for caroling. After a few minutes, Ciel tells Sebastian to let "them" in; he'll talk to them now. He further says that since he had not ideally followed the Queen's order in his previous case, she tried to pin a murder on him, which he sees as her having a good sense of humor. [404] Ciel starts by showing her some toys; after some time playing, she falls asleep. Undertaker answers that he wants to know what comes after the predetermined end. Ciel notes wickedly it has an even greater impact on Herman. He adds that he tends to use all the pawns he has at his disposal, and that if Agni does not like that, he is free to leave and return to India. They open double doors to a room where Queen Victoria and her aide John Brown are waiting. Amidst everyone's shocks and screams, Sebastian whisks the tablecloth off the table and uses it to subdue Derrick. [398] Ciel tries to communicate with her in the limited German that he speaks. [427] He then shouts that everything he did was to clear his own shamehe is a selfish and self-righteous human, and he did it all for himself. Surprised, Ciel comments that Edward looks pale. He made eye contact with Baldroy before walking away. After comparing notes, Ciel decides that they will take action tonight. This startles her, but he says he will not lose in a competition. On top of the luggage, they discuss the situation. Furthermore, all according to Ciel's plan, Herman, Lawrence, and Edward come to rescue him. Sebastian informs him that Francis and Elizabeth Midford are visiting this afternoon, and Ciel gets anxious over this, ordering Sebastian to quickly make preparations. [290], Suddenly, everyone feels a tremendous shudder resonate throughout the entire ship. Although Ciel tries to ignore him, Soma laughingly gets his elephant to lift Ciel into his boxed seat. Sascha thinks that it may be because Ciel himself is close to death or because of his lineage. [432], All of them, Sebastian included, line up by Ciel's bedside. After he is done, a blood-covered Sebastian stands wordlessly in the boat. [481], After the meeting is over, Wolfram carries Sieglinde outside, and they and Ciel reunite with Sebastian. [580], At the Reading Railway Station, the group divides, with Ciel and Sebastian boarding a train together.[581]. He smiles, thinking he is different from his ancestors. As he is reaching out his hand to Ciel to shake him awake, a Bizarre Doll bites Sebastian's leg, jolting both of them. Sebastian adds that Edward, out of sincere respect for his superiors, is also quickly learning things. Best Answer. Birthday Ciel demands to know what he plans to achieve by bringing the dead back to life. Luckily, Sebastian arrives just in time to save him. [495], Ciel and Edward observe the men in robes who have lined up onstage. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden. [291] Ciel grabs Sebastian as the ship starts to tilt. Elizabeth is overjoyed that he got it first, after all, and wishes that this Easter egg may bring him happiness. Ciel speaksbecause of his carelessness, they all suffered and worried. [491], Bemused, Ciel wonders to himself if Blavat truly means what he said, and if he is a supernatural being disguised as a human. Sebastian reassures him that they will do everything tomorrow. Furthermore, each year one exceptional player in the cricket tournament can get invited to the "Midnight Tea Party." This sometimes reaches the point where his words have to be censored before publication. He hears the Viscount's voice talking to a certain audience, announcing that Ciel is the item they have been anticipating. [127], Back at the manor, the servants reveal a surprise they have for Ciel- cake and decorations. [147] They sneak onto his property, and Sebastian deals with the guard dogs. [220], They soon decide to search Sebastian's corpse for the key to Ciel's room. Sebastian apologizes for not accommodating them earlier since he has no idea guests were coming, and he prepares them tea. PhantomhiveThe British Royal FamilyFuntom CorporationFaustian contract Sebastian then explains to Arthur what really happened with the murders, and in the process, reveals that Grey was the one who killed him and Georg. [368] When everyone is about to protest about Ciel's sudden change in behavior, Edward unexpectedly speaks upthey all should not interfere with Earl Phantomhive. They then notice Patrick Phelps' absence and go to Ciel's bedroom where he should be at. Ciel immediately summons Sebastian[366] and orders him to capture Derrick. [68], The next day, Ciel watched his servants help Sam and his grandson. [557], Grelle crashes through the window, to their collective surprise, while Othello walks through the door. All four of them are astounded as Undertaker speakshe says that losing such an amusing man would be like losing the entire world. Ran-Mao urges Ciel to eat on the side. However, when he bowls, Edward manages to hit a six. [433] They all respond with "Yes, My Lord. Ciel claims that Sebastian is a senior worker from the same factory as he. ", "Come to think of it, Ciel bashes those he despises using all sorts of foul language that even gets censored sometimes (back then, there was an incident when the lines he addressed to Kelvin had to be changed, lol).". December 14, 1875[2] [323] He plans to use Lawrence's fag to get closer to the P4. Ciel demands that she returns it, and his fierceness makes her cry. He adds that they will escape through the air duct above; furthermore, Snake has to get out because his snakes cannot survive in the cold water. Ciel tells them they will be leaving the mansion in their capable hands. [400] They are unable to deduce anything from the old woman's ravings. Ciel pretends that he was just trying to steal from their tents and assures her that he did not actually steal anything, and Doll forgives him. They are on guard outside the next murderer's target's room to await the arrival of Jack the Ripper. Soma and Agni arrive unexpectedly, and [135] Ciel demands why he has to house them. Ciel immediately scolds him for being late. Ciel retaliates by saying Lau's opium and intoxicants dens, in time, will surely be closed by the police. Phantomhive ManorPhantomhive townhouse, LondonThe Campania (briefly)Weston College (former) The Phantomhive family is a royal family. [535], Later, Ciel and Sebastian confront Herman, Edgar, and Lawrence, who are hiding at a pub in Hyde Park. Angelina replies that aside from being the Queen's Watchdog, he should have another way of living- a brighter way instead of pursuing revenge. She attempts to kill him, yelling that it would be better if Ciel was never born, but then she hesitates. When the hall is empty, Ciel immediately summons Sebastian. He assures him that they will meet again before bisecting the ship with his Death Scythe. Furthermore, they have the honor of going to the "Midnight Tea Party" with the headmaster and the prefects. He thinks inwardly that "Ciel" is not here anymoreonly Earl Phantomhive exists. Ciel proposes that they get their fortunes told, quipping that Blavat would be no fraud if he can "divine the sorrows" of a demon. "[239] Elizabeth immediately announces that Ciel must spend this enjoyable time with her. John remarks that Ciel has grown up to be like his father, and the Queen agrees, saying that he is very reliable. [75], When they arrive home, Ciel is shocked to find his manor and servants decorated with girly accessories. They note that Agni must have been topping up the coal in the hearth, and that none of the rooms have been burglarized. [522], Ciel remarks that the property was "more of a bargain" than he expected. [387] Ciel thinks the idea is ridiculous. Grelle soon reveals her true form as a Grim Reaper, and Angelina reveals herself as her partner-in-crime. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. [513], After Nina and her assistants exit Sphere Music Hall, Ciel offers to take her home. However, once the party starts, Ciel interrupts everyonehe tells the headmaster he cannot celebrate because something is worrying him. "[506], When Ciel says that he needs more information on the corpses, Sebastian pulls out a map, revealing that he discovered eighteen corpses, five of which buried in Epping Forest, east of London; after careful investigation, Sebastian came to the conclusion that the corpses have nothing to common. However, Herman Greenhill silences everyone when he grabs Ciel's bruised and worn-out hand. [421] In his sleep, Ciel has entered his inner world. Sebastian responds that Ciel can recognize his own kind. Othello reveals that the men there were all suffering from renal failure; the machines were used to replaced the men's thickened blood with fresh blood, and, as a result, their lifespans were considerably extended. Manga debut Ciel, then, suggests bribing the tradesmen who enter and leave the building daily, but admits that Blavat will be the first to hear about it if negotiations fail. [350] At the end of the meeting, Professor Michaelis returns and apologizeshe was in the bathroom. [142][143], At dinner, Soma and Ciel discuss his problem. Ciel then states that he believes "Ciel" is an upgraded Bizarre Doll, to which Sebastian agrees. Sebastian arranges for another competition in the afternoon. The doors rapidly shut before they can get out. Ciel has Sebastian assemble the group, which is divided into pairs to tackle each location: Ciel and Sebastian will investigate the new resort hotel in Brighton. [21], Ciel is a proud, shrewd boy whom Sebastian Michaelis commends for his "presence of mind" and "keen intuition. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is overjoyed that he decided to "surprise" them and come on the trip. After revealing the reasons for his suspicions, Ciel demands to see him. Sebastian, Ciel and the servants of the Phantomhive Manor. After they leave this area, they enter the second boiler room. [295] Grelle and Sebastian rush at Undertaker for one final attack. Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian decide to head to Phantomhive Manor, as Ciel wants to be "certain" about a matter. Sebastian, however, concludes that everything was fairly straightforward until the headmaster shrouded everything in mystery. When Ciel mentions Elizabeth, Sebastian reveals that, during their previous encounter, she has said, "I, and only I, simply can't go back over there." Sebastian put a hand to his chest bashfully. He commends Sebastian's performance, but is disappointed with Ciel, who, while serving customers, bungles the task and refuses to wear women's clothing. To Ciel and Edward's astonishment, several individuals in dark cloaks have emerged, with a few of them carrying candles. [392] When Ciel asks if Sebastian ever appeared at any Satanic rituals, Sebastian responds that those were just lecherous meetings of vile humans. Categories . Ciel and "Ciel" were then sold, and their kidnappers commented that the former is "rare" and worth more than two people. [413] Presently, Finnian tells Ciel that he and Sebastian made him into who he is now. He finds out that Georg has been killed. [418] He protects Ciel, and he kicks the werewolf out of the window. Ciel warns Sieglinde to not carelessly open the door for anyone, even if it is him. He dodges them both, but Ciel catches his chain of mourning hair lockets. Ciel comments in spite of his mental immaturity, Soma is quite capable in almost every area. Sebastian states that Ciel worked hard. When Sebastian returns, he explains everything to an irritated Ciel. He adds that his blood being drawn may be for blood transfusion. Soma asks Ciel to be his guide in his search for Mina, but Ciel tells him that he has a scheduled day of lessons and work. Before he could say more, however, Tanaka was attacked from behind by an unseen assailant who then grabbed Ciel.[55]. Earl of the Phantomhive manor. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. [110], Angelina comments that it is sad Ciel has figured it out, because now they cannot play chess together anymore. Sebastian explains to Ciel that they have combined various Halloweens from around the world so that their tenants can have quality entertainment; said tenants thank Ciel. Lawrence Bluewer informs him about the rule (which is to stay off the lawn), and Edgar cheerfully tells him to be more careful from then on. Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children Act of 1889, romanization of the French translation by Kana. [274], Sebastian and Ciel encounter Viscount Druitt in the 1st Class Passenger Hallway. Astonished, the latter inquires as to why Queen Victoria's butlers are here; Phipps replies they are here to deliver something from Her Majesty and hands over a basket of intricately decorated eggs. Ciel instructs Sebastian to complete all of his fag assignments. [507], Suddenly, Sebastian smells blood on Ciel and tears off Ciel's shirt, exposing needle marks, to Ciel's and Sebastian's. "[510], In Ciel's townhouse, Fred informs Ciel and Sebastian the corpses died due to severe blood loss. Ciel realizes that he cannot escape because he may endanger the survivors in the other lifeboats. Ciel announces that they will settle everything tomorrow. In response, Ciel orders Sebastian to begin the preparations. Ciel reasons that such is due to Arthur Randall's eagerness to eliminate them. He kisses her on the cheek goodnight, saying he had a happy time playing with her, and he retires for the night. [465], Ciel suddenly sees two, German Grim Reapers. Ciel is happy when she agrees to go with him. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the main protagonist of the Black Butler manga and anime franchise. Ciel offers to help, and Soma hugs him joyfully. Sebastian remarks that the ring is actually very important to Ciel and that he had only put on an ostentatious show of throwing it away for Elizabeth. [193], Ciel wakes up late, and when Sebastian tries to follow Soma's advice and fawn over him, Ciel is repulsed and orders him to stop. As the game progresses, Ciel notes what a good cricket player Soma is. [137][138] Despite this, Soma continuously interrupts Ciel throughout the day. "[568], Now as fugitives, the Phantomhive household visits the Funtom Corporation headquarters in hopes of taking refuge there.
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