Sparrowhawks are very alert and driven birds who will not stop until they have achieved their set goal much like the witches and wizards who cast this Patronus. So, a bat Patronus will help you face possibly your biggest fear a Dementor. If you have ever had a mole tear up your backyard, then you are familiar with how well they can wreak havoc. A Blackbird Patronus is the epitome of intelligence, intuition, and deep thought. They gravitate towards those similar to themselves and value their ancestry, again just like Slytherins. Dapple grey stallions will be there whenever you need help, no matter what. They are excellent communicators and care deeply for others. Thestrals were memorably featured in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Oct 02, 2016. Others are envious of their drive and passion that helps them achieve the loftiest of goals. If you have a seal Patronus, you are likely very confident and do not care what others think about you. Many people think of sharks as one of the scariest predators in the ocean. It's a proud creature that also has a gentle side for those who treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves. You stand up for what you believe in and your loved ones. Fox Terrier. Having this Patronus means you are highly motivated, passionate, and some of the best friends you could ever have. The open-world Harry Potter RPG, Hogwarts Legacy, is officially out and available to play, and unsurprisingly dominating social media platforms like Reddit and Twitch. Siberian cat Patronuses and their casters are fearless, independent, and protective. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. Either way, the Dementor does not stand a chance! HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! Blackbirds are fiercely protective and will come to the aid of those it loves when most needed. Those with this Patronus are fiercely loyal. You seek to make emotional connections with others, but you are also shy, and don't want too much attention. Many people revere king cobras with respect and awe. They stealthily lie in wait for their prey and then strike at just the right time. The regal and unique fire-dwelling salamander Patronus is born to withstand the most difficult trials that life throws at it. They also have a giant horn that is sharp enough to pierce metal, causing whatever it hit to explode. They also make wonderful pets. But what they lack in size, they make up for in their bold personality. Casting a chow dog Patronus means you are lovable, sweet, and a good judge of character. If you have this Patronus, those who are closest to you are lucky to have you in their corner. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. Hyena patronus meaning. A fun fact is that this is J.K. Rowlings Patronus. You have good instincts, and you should trust them. You are not afraid to stand up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences. You are likely very in tune with your empathetic side and find fulfillment in caring for others. Ragdoll cats are more like dogs than cats due to their kind and sweet nature, in addition to following you around everywhere. The 12 Rarest 'Harry Potter' Patronuses, Ranked, The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells, The Smartest 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked by Intelligence, The Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked, The Strongest Patronuses In 'Harry Potter' Ranked. Seals range in stature but can reach lengths over 7 feet and weigh over 7,000 pounds! If you have this Patronus, you are a unique individual and people love you for it. Those who produce this Patronus are said to be pure of heart. They can be headstrong and extremely hard workers. With the longest wingspan of any bird - up to 11 feet - the albatross surfs the ocean winds for hours, hardly even needing to flap. . Dementors should know to never cross these Patronuses because they are powerful and deadly. Hopefully it scares off a Dementor, but if it doesnt, then this Patronus will not rest until the Dementor is taken down. Lucky for you, this wise Patronus is a fierce defender. Although sometimes quiet and timid in nature, this Patronus will never back down from a Dementor. Cheetahs can run up to 70mph and will easily chase down even the fastest Dementor. The clever, smart nightjar Patronus will outwit any Dementor that dares to come your way. With one swift dive, ospreys will incapacitate any Dementor. Crocodiles symbolize patience, primal energy, and tradition. A stag patronus is probably the most memorable and recognizable form that a patronus can take on. A thestral Patronus is extremely rare. Rest assured, this Patronus will not let a Dementor come near you. Mastiff dogs are massive, broad-shouldered dogs with a big heart to match. If your Patronus is an eagle owl, then you likely enjoy time to yourself, and you gain energy from solitude. A Nebelung cat Patronus will defend you with their life. Manx cats tend to attack prey larger than themselves, so a Dementor would be no issue for them. Dementors would be wise to steer clear of this Patronus. The Patronus Charm is a famous defensive spell that protects witches and wizards against dementors. The black swan Patronus perfectly matches Ravenclaw, which is a very open-minded and caring house. If you have this Patronus you likely exceed expectations either set by yourself or others. It can also be a study group. This is the perfect Patronus to challenge a Dementor since they will never back down from a fight. A Bay stallion Patronus is spirited, passionate, and always ready for a fight. A rare and strong Patronus, the Abraxan Winged Horse appears to those who are known to be powerful, determined and maintain a free spirit, even in the darkest of times. Dementors better beware. The deepest meaning of death and life is central to them. Nevertheless, this Patronus will pop out of the ground at a moments notice to protect you. The manx cat is a level-headed, quirky, and somewhat mischievous member of the feline family. This Patronus is representative of resilience usually someone who has dealt with great pressure or adversity and continues to overcome these obstacles every day. Nightjars live up to their namesake in that they are mainly active at night. A Patronus is a shield between a wizard and a Dementor. This half-horse, half-eagle hybrid elicits respect from any and all beings who dare to cross its path. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. They are eternally loyal and will protect you at all costs. A buffalo is a force to be reckoned with, and Dementors will find that out soon enough. Though blackbirds are not the most ferocious animals, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Kingfishers are very confident and ambitious, and they are also gorgeous, stunning creatures. When surrounded by friends, they'll laugh and eat out, while being social. While there's no easy answer to the best Patronus in the Wizarding World, there are some that are more coveted than others for their strength, meaning and, of course, rarity. Since only people who have witnessed death can see thestrals, many associate them with loss of life. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone truly powerful could possess. They're also remarkably beautiful casters, whose grace and aura can easily captivate those around them. Their personality is curious and open to exploring all kinds of hobbies and activities because they want to get the most out of life. Would love to read more! Seemingly thought of as pests, rats are actually very intelligent, clever, and goal-oriented. A mother tigress will fight endlessly to protect her young and be incredibly fierce when needed. Known for its insightfulness, intelligence and sharp senses, the Snowy Owl is among the rarest Patronuses reserved only for those with a deep love for learning and keen perception. You should never underestimate a raven, and neither should a Dementor. Those with this Patronus exhibit a quiet inner strength that helps them remain calm even in the most stressful situations. This Patronus is a ball of energy; active, athletic, playful, and free-spirited much like the witches and wizards who cast it. Ospreys are fascinating birds that have incredible eyesight and can see fish under the water from the sky. They are brilliant birds that think quickly on their feet and are incredibly resilient. A snowy owl Patronus is very loyal to its caster and will fearlessly protect you against any harm. The Hogwarts Houses are associated with the elements, and herons are unique because they reside in three elements earth, water, and air. They will protect you no matter what. You are sociable and adapt well to diverse environments. The doe is most notable for being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. Similarly, those with this Patronus are strong, yet can be timid when not in fighting mode. Those with an Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus are said to be dominant, powerful, and strong leaders. Even though Nebelung cats are beautiful in coat and color, their sweet, loving personality is even better. Sometimes thought of as more dog-like, these cats are curious, playful, and love to be affectionate. What field mice lack in stature, they make up for in speed, perception, and skill. So, your python Patronus will have no problem taking down any size Dementor. This Patronus is commonly found in the Ravenclaw house since calico cats are very unique, loving, and independent. But they can also be a bit chaotic. . For example, a white horse with black patches. When facing a Dementor, you can be sure they will only fight for you and never flee. Hopefully, you have never gotten too close to a polar bear in the wild because it is one of the largest species of bears and can be violent if they are hungry. The witches and wizards who cast this Patronus also have a soft side, easy-going side to them. Lucky for you, they have great endurance and will do anything to protect you! If you have this Patronus, you likely have a lot of energy and make friends easily. A black stallion Patronus is passionate and mysterious like black mares, but they have bolder personalities. Orangutans share behaviors and skills they have learned over time with their young, and some can use objects as tools. They are very sure of themselves and confident in their decisions. Tigers are one of the most prominent members of the cat family. An osprey Patronus is one-of-a-kind, and so are their casters. If you are the caster of this Patronus, you are indeed a loyal friend, and you have a quiet inner strength. Tortoiseshell cats are representative of wisdom, and their casters are said to be wise beyond their years as well. Although they sometimes get into trouble, they do their fair share of self-reflection and work to better themselves. Fire-dwelling Salamander (rare) 5 Fox 16 Fox Terrier Dog 4 Ginger Cat 8 Goshawk 10 Granian Winged Horse (rare) 6 Grass Snake 3 Great Grey Owl 7 Grey Squirrel 4 Greyhound Dog 6 Hare (Brown 8, Mountain 5) 14 Hedgehog 11 Heron J.K. Rowling's 8 Hippogriff (rare) 11 Hummingbird 4 Huskey 11 Hyena 10 Fox terriers, along with the caster of this Patronus, generally work wonderfully in groups or teams. White swans are one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures. Those with the hummingbird Patronus tend to be free-spirited and seek to enjoy life to its fullest. They are very determined and goal-oriented. This Patronus is most definitely a force to be reckoned with. Great Grey Owl (unusual) Grey Squirrel. Swifts are one of the fastest birds, and some can fly over 100mph! With the badger Patronus, youre in safe hands since they frequently take on animals (or Dementors) larger than themselves when threatened. They use their wits to outsmart, outrun and anticipate risks, which there is no shortage of in the Wizarding World. #HarryPotter #Pottermore #Patronus #hogwartslegacy I've here compiled a list of all possible Patronuses on can get on Pottermore.This list contains only the . In reality, you (along with sharks) make excellent leaders, even if you can be a bit intimidating sometimes. Kirsten Acuna. Having a cheetah Patronus means you are confident and have a fiery personality. You take charge, and people respect and look up to you. Gray squirrels spend months storing up food for the winter, proving just how patient they can be against even the most persistent Dementor. A full-grown elephant, weighing up to 14,000 pounds, charging a Dementor will get the job done. A wood mouse Patronus is proof that bravery and courage come in all sizes. Ibizan hounds are an exquisite and long-legged dog breed. They can also flare out their head to look like a terrifying cobra. They love to care for others and find joy in simplicity. Those with a hare Patronus are quick-witted and very intelligent. However, scops owls also have very sharp talons and beaks, so they are well-equipped for any battle. Whales, in general, have complex communication skills, and they guide both fishermen and fish where they need to go. You are likely confident in yourself and stand up for your beliefs. Sometimes referred to as the American pine marten, pine martens are cute but dangerous when threatened. Lynxes are large, furry wildcats that are naturally skilled, night hunters. In this sense, the Occamy as a Patronus showcases genuine flexibility and willingness to make peace and compromise. An orca Patronus is a formidable force indeed. Hyena Reply more reply . Those who have this Patronus are strong and resilient. Dragons were fed goats as you might remember from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but rest assured, a goat Patronus will not back down from any Dementor. Herons hunt their prey by remaining perfectly still until their target wanders unsuspectingly into their reach. This rare Patronus represents those who are simultaneously fearless, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and ambitious. They are more introverted and enjoy time to themselves. Dementors, beware! Brown bears have one of the largest comparative brains of any mammal and because of this, they have a high cognitive function. An approach they might use to shield you from a Dementors kiss. A black mamba Patronus symbolizes bravery and boldness. Those who conjure an orca Patronus frequently stand up for what they believe in and exhibit bravery in the face of fear. You can count on this Patronus to learn how to take down a Dementor and then perfect their skill for the future. This Patronus is extremely ambitious, intelligent and generally moves quickly throughout all things. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. Mine is a Winter wolf, a huge wolf that's loyal, strong, stubborn, righteous, fierce, cares for their pack, and respected. These cats are eternally loyal to their chosen humans, meaning if this is your Patronus, they are devoted to you for life. Adders are not normally aggressive and tend to only bite when they are threatened in some way. What weasels lack in size they make up for in quick-witted intelligence. Some witches and wizards will never have a corporeal Patronus (such as Neville), while others will have theirs appear as an animal. If your Patronus is a hyena, Dementors won't stand a chance! Impala are beautiful, medium-sized antelopes that use graceful leaps and bounds to evade predators and catch prey. A hippopotamus says that you are wholly unapproachable as a person and that most people find you obstinate. Seals look adorable on the outside, but they can be fierce fighters when needed. This magical creature is a three-headed snake native to Africa. Husky. No matter the time or the place, your lynx Patronus will stealthily attack even the strongest of Dementors. They are often reserved, they can quickly become aggressive when they feel it is necessary. As far as personality traits go, the Erumpent Patronus also represents determination and a strong will. You enjoy solitude, but just like how lynxes travel in small-knit groups, you have a close circle of friends and family you trust. These birds are a force to be reckoned with and can scare off any Dementor with their 11-foot wingspan alone. They prefer to live underground in what most people would consider solitary confinement, but they love it. Those who have the great grey owl Patronus are excellent listeners and very attentive to their friends. Piebald or pinto stallions are free-spirited and also have a strong fight-or-flight response. If you're embarrassed by your Patronus, you're not alone these are the lamest 'Harry Potter' spirit animals you can get. Highly intelligent and witty, they are stealthy hunters and out-of-the-box thinkers. If you have a field mouse Patronus, you are probably a great listener, very kind and caring, and more than likely a member of Hufflepuff House. Those with a grass snake Patronus are very perceptive and flexible, and they are not fazed by much. You may be overly emotional or sensitive but probably view this as a weakness. Deerhounds are trained to hunt, so a deerhound Patronus will do a great job of tracking and taking down Dementors. People with this Patronus likely place value in other peoples opinions of them and how they look. Oryxes have a unique defensive technique where they surround their young to safeguard them from predators. They love being silly/funny/crazy. You are also courageous and brave. This means they have loads of loyal friends that would do anything for them, and they would do the same in return. Copied; Likes (10) Comments (0) Copied; Likes (10) Like 10. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. Casters of this Patronus tend to be visionaries, quick-witted, and guardians. You prefer to be your own boss and do not like taking orders from others. A bloodhound Patronus is associated with being gentle, easy-going, knowledgeable, and friendly. They use their logic to think through all situations and their possible outcomes. Incidentally, a Patronus will take on the same form as the caster's Animagus. They keep to themselves and prefer to be watchful guardians. Hedgehog. Sometimes black cats are referred to as tuxedo cats, and the white in their coat signifies good things to come in the future. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . Greyhound. Casters with the Runespoor Patronus are cunning and have the distinct ability to sense danger from afar. Those with this Patronus are energetic, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. However, they channel their energy into overcoming the difficulties of life and growing through them. 6 Luna Lovegood's Hare. They make friends quickly and always stand up for them, which is excellent for you when you are up against a Dementor! They occupy branches high in the trees to look for their target and then snatch it up in a swift swoop. I got a wildcat for Slytherin House! Patronus charms can also be used to send messages. Otters are arguably happier than a Dementor is dark and sad, so maybe their warmth will scare off a Dementor without even a fight! While huskies are a big ball of fun-loving energy, they are also very in touch with their emotions and cope well with stress just like the casters of this Patronus. Leopards are very graceful creatures and avid tree climbers. Appearances Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) Wizarding World (Appears as a Patronus) Notes and references (see this image) Many associate lions with bravery, courage, and heroism granted, it is the mascot of Gryffindor House. Casters of the hedgehog Patronus are often worried about their own wellbeing and that of their friends and family. Those who conjure this Patronus are sociable and have a playful side to them, but they are also fierce protectors when necessary. This Patronus will stand up to any Dementor fearlessly and wont back down from even the scariest battles. Source - patronusmeaning.tumblr Their defense tactic is to outsmart their enemies successfully. Hyena (unusual) Ibizan Hound. Sometimes they are referred to as water snakes, and rightfully so because they are excellent swimmers. They are tiny but mighty, so they should never be underestimated. In certain cultures, some think these cats bring good fortune. Being able to cast a chestnut stallion Patronus means you are bold, impulsive, and are not afraid to take dangerous risks. They are considered highly intelligent, resourceful, and tend not to fear many things including Dementors. Gray squirrels prepare for the worst, so they are no strangers to difficulty and handle it exceptionally well. This Patronus will stop at nothing to protect you. The gray squirrel is one of the most hard-working animals, and so are the casters of this Patronus. Stoats are a type of weasel. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. Witches and wizards who have a heron Patronus are unique and determined. Wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. This majestic Patronus will defeat any Dementor that dares to cross your path. Falcon Dementors have no idea what they are in for when they come up against this fiery Patronus. Badgers are down-to-earth and fiercely defend those close to them. If you have a wildcat Patronus, you are likely a passionate, confident person many people look up to and respect. Dolphins are very people-oriented and make friends very easily. With the cheetah Patronus, you are in safe hands! Fox terriers are adorable and spunky dogs that are well-loved by all and give plenty of affection in return. With their intimidating stance, this Patronus might scare off a Dementor without even bearing its fangs. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the protectors of the sea and are natural-born leaders. Aside from a fun-loving personality, your ocicat Patronus is exceptionally loyal to you and will put up a fight when necessary. Salamanders can be very dangerous as some species are poisonous. You care deeply for a small group of chosen people that you will always be devoted to. More than likely as the owner of this Patronus, people often misunderstand you. It would be difficult to find a more loving and protective best friend, both as a Patronus and a caster. I was expecting a magnificient creature to emerge from the woods and prance around my MacBook screen. When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. Interestingly, sphynx cats are often more dog-like because they follow their owners everywhere and have very energetic personalities. The Harry Potter Wiki is written from the perspective that all information presented in canon is true (e.g., Hogwarts really existed), and, as such . They are not confrontational and will look for any opportunity to run, but when the need arises, they become aggressive and defensive. These dogs are also quite active and energetic. You might feel misunderstood by those around you, but your family and friends know the real you. Similarly, those with this Patronus know what they want and do not stop until they achieve it. Casters of this Patronus are also beautiful inside and out. A dapple grey mare Patronus symbolizes freedom and passion for all that life has to offer. Understandably, this is Ron Weasleys Patronus. Despite being terrifying, associated with death, and generally viewed as bad omens, Thestrals represent true kindness and acceptance. Having a crocodile Patronus means you are assertive and self-assured, but not overly showy. Deerhound. If you have this Patronus, you are probably one of the most loving, affectionate, and kind friends someone could have. Casters of this Patronus are often perceived as extroverted and playful, but they will defend you fiercely. Goshawk. However, they also enjoy the adventurous side of life and trying new things. Rest assured, this Patronus will fight for you every time and pose a threat to even the scariest of Dementors. It symbolizes resurrection, and rightfully so because it dies in an explosion of flames and resurrects from the ashes. It is a projection of someone good, a protector that can have everything a Dementor feeds upon. You will most likely find a leopard lounging on a tree branch during the day since it primarily hunts at night. As the rarest Patronus in the Wizarding World possible, the Albatross represents an enormous bird that flies freely across any sea. By now, most Harry Potter fans have taken the official Patronus quiz on One slightly terrifying aspect of the polecats hunting method is that they paralyze their prey by biting through their skull into their brain and then keeping it alive until it is ready to devour it. They use their wisdom to their advantage and know how to remain calm. A flying Dementor is not swift enough for this Patronus! Brown owls are swift predators that are wise, brilliant, and exceptional guardians. Because they are always aware of their surroundings, this makes them adaptable to any environment or situation. Not only are they determined, but very friendly and easy-going as well. People with the Libra Patronus will often feel vulnerable when they're away from the pack. They are also generally associated with light, and therefore all of the . The term piebald in piebald mare refers to the horses color. Those who have a falcon Patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. A marsh harrier Patronus is a bird of prey, and they are true survivors. Rare animals are marked. me too. While those who conjure this Patronus are fierce and vicious in battle, they do have a soft side with their loved ones. Scops owls are unique, and the owners of this Patronus are usually one-of-a-kind. Those with a leopard Patronus are outstanding leaders and people respect and look up to them. Thestrals are extremely fast and will stop at nothing to protect the ones they love. They can tend to be mysterious as well. Their rarity exists not only on the Patronus ranking, but within the Wizarding World as well, with their blood possessing healing powers. Dementors are fast, but Borzois are arguably faster, reaching up to 35-40 mph. Having this Patronus means you thrive even in stressful situations, and you enjoy overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Irish wolfhounds are reserved, soft-spoken, and patient creatures. However, if you have this Patronus, you are bold but also friendly toward family and friends much like Slytherins. Peacocks are natural show-offs, and if you have this Patronus, you may share the character trait of pridefulness. The wizard is by nature a bit melancholic, somber, introverted, quiet, humble, restrained, or even "shadowed". They charge down their enemies and use their horns to spear them if necessary. The wizard has a very rare and unusual, almost unique, personality. A badger is the mascot of the Hufflepuff house animal and accurately represents famous Hufflepuff wizards such as Cedric Digory. Dementors should never underestimate the resilience of a field mouse Patronus simply because of its small size. #HarryPotter #VeryRarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get a Very Rare Patronus on (Pottermore) (Note: The provided answers will. Otters are natures fuzzy, cuddly, and friendly pets. A Buzzard is swift, fierce, and opportunistic. Your close friends and family know your true nature and never have to question your loyalty to them. Rest assured, this Patronus will fight hard for you. They will only listen to authority if they trust those in charge much like a Gryffindor. You might be surprised to know that pythons are gentle giants that can be very shy even though they are one of the biggest species of snakes.
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